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Product details
File Size: 10037 KB
Print Length: 272 pages
Publisher: Casemate (September 9, 2010)
Publication Date: September 9, 2010
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#487,243 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I'm amazed several reviewers were impressed with the photographs and illustrations in this cheaply produced book. Period photos can be found in every "Hitler book". What is missing here is one piece of original artwork to illuminate the text so one can fully grasp the output of both men in their lifetime. For some reason there appear to be far more photographs of Goering (the author's favorite Nazi?) than of its 2 nominal heroes.Regarding Todt I was hoping for up-to-date colored diagrams and plans of the autobahns he personally laid-out. Anyone who's travelled on these amazingly efficient and attractive roads would like to know which ones have his personal stamp. And was the concept of their being designed to fit inconspicuously into existing landscapes (as works of art) Hitler's idea or Todt's? The author merely quotes Nazi propaganda and gives the credit to Hitler.He also completely ignores a Dr. Todt creation which survives exactly as designed in 1936. This was for the incredibly tortuous access road up to the "Eagle's Nest" - a mountain-top lodge which was Martin Boorman 50th birthday present to Hitler. I've uploaded photos from an exhaustive German booklet bought there which says it was Todt alone who suggested the boring of a tunnel and elevator shaft to avoid despoiling the mountain.Despite the narrative being constantly interrupted with profiles of minor Nazi figures Boorman does not get one. Yet, in a note attached to a photo, it says Boorman was "Todt's bitter enemy, one of the very few he had". With absolutely no explanation - although one can easily guess why.As an architect I was particularly looking forward to discovering how Speer first ingratiated himself with Hitler but I read absolutely nothing relevant on this subject and significantly not one photo of a Speer building. However a basic textbook about this period says "In 1933 Speer arranged the Berlin party rally attracting Hitler's attention". Which throws a completely different light on their relationship. Was Speer's special talent to be a court designer in the mold of Bernini and Inigo Jones? A master of all trades who could turn his hand to any artistic challenge?As the author has no interest in the visual arts one gets no insight as to the need of every ambitious architect to find a rich patron. No mention either on the special qualities that enable 2 German architects to function as master organizers. Walter Gropius being the other example. There are also no photos (or record) of Speer's many social visits to Hitler's Bavarian home - where his dignified presence was obviously a welcome contrast to the thug element who served Hitler in an altogether different capacity.Lastly one can't help objecting to the author's constant anti-Speer slant. The whole Speer section is interrupted with sidebars (on the ME 362, various Rocket programs, a possible German atomic bomb and Hitler death plots) but nowhere does one discover exactly how Speer so quickly become an expert "politician". To be a great organizer is one thing but to out-maneuver sworn enemies inside a nest of vipers for over 3 years required much more than oodles of "personal charm" - which is so often mentioned as being the "unfair asset" which saved him from the hangman's noose. Anyone who's worked in a government bureaucracy knows exactly what I mean!It should also be noted this book has been remaindered - which is why I purchased it from Amazon for half the price now quoted. Which, considering the lack of original thought or exhaustive relevant illustrations is what it's worth.
First off- the formatting on the Kindle... not very well. Some captions didn't go with the right pictures and I believe there may be some asides or boxes of supplementary text (or lots of text to caption pictures) that just seemed to interrupt the flow of the narrative.But I still gave the book 5 stars. In my opinion this was two books combined into one. For the period of Todt you seem to get a much more narrative of the actual achievements of Todt. The Autobahn being the major accomplishment. But upon Todt's death, you seem to get much more of a narrative and biography of Speer and seemingly less about the accomplishments. And the account of how Speer survives the noose at Nuremburg and the opinions of the captives.... that alone makes this a fascinating read. It's another example of how people's perception and opinion of you can drastically affect how they treat you.
Interesting subject matter, but not well written - story line tends to jump around, making it a bit hard to follow
It’s going to take a while to get through this book. There is a lot of information and I’ll have to take it in small doses. It has great photographs and thus far I’ve enjoyed the narrative. It’s not a book for everyone but if you are interested in German 20th Century architecture and civil engineering I think you will enjoy it.
This book has interesting photos of major Nazi leaders. I wish there were more of the autobahn.Some good basic info about the lives of Todt and Speer. The author seems to have a conspiratorial mindset to events, which takes away from the book's solidity. It's kind of superficial.
There were many misplaced captions, and many photographs that were irrelevant. Clearly attempts to pad the page count. Many confusing jumps of topics.However seems factually correct. Worth reading but nothing to get excited about.
A great topic full of innuendo about Albert Speer and many poor quality photographs.
Interesting read
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